Uncategorized Archives - HIPAA WEB FORMS https://www.hipaaforms.online/product-category/uncategorized/ Wed, 03 Jan 2024 20:35:14 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.5 HIPAA FORMS Plus File Upload Standard Annual https://www.hipaaforms.online/product/hipaa-forms-plus-file-upload-standard-annual/ Wed, 23 Jan 2019 18:45:38 +0000 https://www.hipaaforms.online/?post_type=product&p=16191 Cancel anytime, 30 day money back guarantee.  ]]> HIPAA FORMS Service and integrated WordPress Plugin plus file upload capability.

The WordPress plugin allows you to create forms on your WordPress website easily through existing popular web form builder plugins such as Caldera and Gravity Forms which are then encrypted and submitted through the HIPAA FORMS Service API where they are stored on a HIPAA Compliant storage solution and remain encrypted.

Submitted forms can then be viewed from your administrator interface of your WordPress site by someone with secure login credentials and appropriate user roles where they are pulled from the HIPAA FORMS Service API and unencyrpted for viewing.

The protected form data is never stored on your web hosting server so the only requirement for hosting is that you enable SSL.

From the admin interface you have the option to generate an encrypted and password protected PDF version of the form which you can then print or save to your hard drive.

Files uploaded with your forms are submitted directly from the browser through TLS to our encrypted HIPAA compliant file storage solution. Temporary access links are generated and displayed on your submitted forms in order to access the uploaded files securely.


HIPAA FORMS Plus File Upload Standard Quarterly https://www.hipaaforms.online/product/hipaa-forms-plus-file-upload-standard-quarterly/ Wed, 23 Jan 2019 18:40:32 +0000 https://www.hipaaforms.online/?post_type=product&p=16190 Cancel anytime, 30 day money back guarantee.  ]]> HIPAA FORMS Service and integrated WordPress Plugin plus file upload capability.

The WordPress plugin allows you to create forms on your WordPress website easily through existing popular web form builder plugins such as Caldera and Gravity Forms which are then encrypted and submitted through the HIPAA FORMS Service API where they are stored on a HIPAA Compliant storage solution and remain encrypted.

Submitted forms can then be viewed from your administrator interface of your WordPress site by someone with secure login credentials and appropriate user roles where they are pulled from the HIPAA FORMS Service API and unencyrpted for viewing.

The protected form data is never stored on your web hosting server so the only requirement for hosting is that you enable SSL.

From the admin interface you have the option to generate an encrypted and password protected PDF version of the form which you can then print or save to your hard drive.

Files uploaded with your forms are submitted directly from the browser through TLS to our encrypted HIPAA compliant file storage solution. Temporary access links are generated and displayed on your submitted forms in order to access the uploaded files securely.


HIPAA FORMS Plus File Upload Standard Monthly https://www.hipaaforms.online/product/hipaa-forms-plus-file-upload-standard-monthly/ Wed, 23 Jan 2019 18:27:41 +0000 https://www.hipaaforms.online/?post_type=product&p=16187 Cancel anytime, 30 day money back guarantee.]]> HIPAA FORMS Service and integrated WordPress Plugin plus file upload capability.

The WordPress plugin allows you to create forms on your WordPress website easily through existing popular web form builder plugins such as Caldera and Gravity Forms which are then encrypted and submitted through the HIPAA FORMS Service API where they are stored on a HIPAA Compliant storage solution and remain encrypted.

Submitted forms can then be viewed from your administrator interface of your WordPress site by someone with secure login credentials and appropriate user roles where they are pulled from the HIPAA FORMS Service API and unencyrpted for viewing.

The protected form data is never stored on your web hosting server so the only requirement for hosting is that you enable SSL.

From the admin interface you have the option to generate an encrypted and password protected PDF version of the form which you can then print or save to your hard drive.

Files uploaded with your forms are submitted directly from the browser through TLS to our encrypted HIPAA compliant file storage solution. Temporary access links are generated and displayed on your submitted forms in order to access the uploaded files securely.


HIPAA FORMS Standard Annual https://www.hipaaforms.online/product/hipaa-forms-standard-annual/ Sat, 22 Sep 2018 19:45:02 +0000 https://www.hipaaforms.online/?post_type=product&p=15232 Cancel anytime, 30 day money back guarantee.  ]]> HIPAA FORMS Service and integrated WordPress Plugin.

The WordPress plugin allows you to create forms on your WordPress website easily through existing popular web form builder plugins such as Caldera and Gravity which are then encrypted and submitted through the HIPAA FORMS Service API where they are stored on a HIPAA Compliant storage solution and remain encrypted.

Submitted forms can then be viewed from your administrator interface of your WordPress site by someone with secure login credentials and appropriate user roles where they are pulled from the HIPAA FORMS Service API and unencyrpted for viewing.

The actual protected form data never actually gets stored on your web hosting server so the only requirement for hosting is that you enable SSL.

From the admin interface you have the option to generate an encrypted and password protected PDF version of the form which you can then print or save to your hard drive.


HIPAA FORMS Standard Quarterly https://www.hipaaforms.online/product/hipaa-forms-standard-quarterly/ Sat, 22 Sep 2018 19:38:27 +0000 https://www.hipaaforms.online/?post_type=product&p=15231 Cancel anytime, 30 day money back guarantee.  ]]> HIPAA FORMS Service and integrated WordPress Plugin.

The WordPress plugin allows you to create forms on your WordPress website easily through existing popular web form builder plugins such as Caldera and Gravity which are then encrypted and submitted through the HIPAA FORMS Service API where they are stored on a HIPAA Compliant storage solution and remain encrypted.

Submitted forms can then be viewed from your administrator interface of your WordPress site by someone with secure login credentials and appropriate user roles where they are pulled from the HIPAA FORMS Service API and unencyrpted for viewing.

The actual protected form data never actually gets stored on your web hosting server so the only requirement for hosting is that you enable SSL.

From the admin interface you have the option to generate an encrypted and password protected PDF version of the form which you can then print or save to your hard drive.


HIPAA FORMS Standard Monthly https://www.hipaaforms.online/product/hipaa-forms-standard-monthly/ Sat, 22 Sep 2018 17:37:07 +0000 https://www.hipaaforms.online/?post_type=product&p=15230 Cancel anytime, 30 day money back guarantee.]]> HIPAA FORMS Service and integrated WordPress Plugin.

The WordPress plugin allows you to create forms on your WordPress website easily through existing popular web form builder plugins such as Caldera and Gravity which are then encrypted and submitted through the HIPAA FORMS Service API where they are stored on a HIPAA Compliant storage solution and remain encrypted.

Submitted forms can then be viewed from your administrator interface of your WordPress site by someone with secure login credentials and appropriate user roles where they are pulled from the HIPAA FORMS Service API and unencyrpted for viewing.

The actual protected form data never actually gets stored on your web hosting server so the only requirement for hosting is that you enable SSL.

From the admin interface you have the option to generate an encrypted and password protected PDF version of the form which you can then print or save to your hard drive.


HIPAA Forms Subscription https://www.hipaaforms.online/product/hipaa-forms-subscription/ Sat, 22 Sep 2018 17:20:49 +0000 https://www.hipaaforms.online/?post_type=product&p=15226 Cancel anytime, 30 day money back guarantee.
Basic Free Subscription Limitations:
  • Only 1 form can be designated as HIPAA compliant
  • Up to 25 form submissions per month
  • "Powered By" link displayed at the bottom of your form
HIPAA FORMS Service and integrated WordPress Plugin.

The WordPress plugin allows you to create forms on your WordPress website easily through existing popular web form builder plugins such as Caldera and Gravity which are then encrypted and submitted through the HIPAA FORMS Service API where they are stored on a HIPAA Compliant storage solution and remain encrypted.

Submitted forms can then be viewed from your administrator interface of your WordPress site by someone with secure login credentials and appropriate user roles where they are pulled from the HIPAA FORMS Service API and unencyrpted for viewing.

The actual protected form data never actually gets stored on your web hosting server so the only requirement for hosting is that you enable SSL.

From the admin interface you have the option to generate an encrypted and password protected PDF version of the form which you can then print or save to your hard drive.


HIPAA FORMS Basic – FREE https://www.hipaaforms.online/product/hipaa-forms-basic/ Sat, 22 Sep 2018 16:03:20 +0000 https://www.hipaaforms.online/?post_type=product&p=15219 COMPLETELY FREE - NO RISK, NO CREDIT CARD REQUIRED!
Basic subscription for the HIPAA FORMS API Service and plugin for Wordpress.
Basic Free Subscription Limitations:
  • Only 1 form can be designated as HIPAA compliant
  • Up to 25 form submissions per month
  • "Powered By" link displayed at the bottom of your form
If you need more than 1 HIPAA compliant form or if you need more than 25 form submissions per month you should upgrade to the Standard subscription plan for unlimited forms and submissions.
HIPAA FORMS Service and integrated WordPress Plugin.

The WordPress plugin allows you to create forms on your WordPress website easily through existing popular web form builder plugins such as Caldera and Gravity which are then encrypted and submitted through the HIPAA FORMS Service API where they are stored on a HIPAA Compliant storage solution and remain encrypted.

Submitted forms can then be viewed from your administrator interface of your WordPress site by someone with secure login credentials and appropriate user roles where they are pulled from the HIPAA FORMS Service API and unencyrpted for viewing.

The actual protected form data never actually gets stored on your web hosting server so the only requirement for hosting is that you enable SSL.

From the admin interface you have the option to generate an encrypted and password protected PDF version of the form which you can then print or save to your hard drive.

